Thanksgiving in Moab

Thanksgiving in Moab has always been a special time for BASE jumpers. What started as a small gathering of friends has grown to become an annual event which includes hundreds of jumpers from around the world. While this annual “Turkey Boogie” event offers a unique opportunity to make memories with new friends and old, the realities of a growing participation have created challenges which threaten the sustainability of jumping in Moab.

Larger attendance and an overall carefree attitude have resulted in the event placing an increased strain on local resources such as SAR and land management, with calls now being made to potentially regulate or restrict BASE jumping; an activity which has historically enjoyed tremendous freedom in the area.

To address these concerns and ensure the sustainability of BASE jumping in Moab, we are implementing several important changes:

  1. Extending the Time Frame: The traditional gathering will be spread out over three weeks instead of one, from November 3rd to 24th. This change aims to dilute the impact on local resources by distributing the volume of jumpers across a wider period of time.

  2. Focusing on Responsible Recreation: While we will continue the long history of gathering and socializing, there will no longer be an official “party.” This shift emphasizes that our community is dedicated to responsible recreation and committed to cultural changes that reduce our impact on the surrounding community.

  3. Educational Workshops and Mentorship: The most exciting change involves the introduction of numerous community-building workshops and events. By fostering a culture of guidance and mentorship, we aim to create a model for other gatherings to emulate.

These changes mark a shift away from a large-scale event to a series of educational workshops and smaller gatherings throughout the year. Our goal is to return to the roots of our community, ensuring the sustainability and freedom of BASE jumping in Moab for years to come.

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Being “Current” in BASE and What it Really Means